Certifies expert-level knowledge of intelligent storage solutions using multiple transport options over long distances.
Requirements for Certification
There are no formal prerequisites for CCIE certification. Other professional certifications or training courses are not required. Instead, candidates must first pass a written qualification exam and then the corresponding hands-on lab exam. You are expected to have an in-depth understanding of the topics in the exam blueprints and strongly encouraged to have three to five years of job experience before attempting certification. You can review the exam preparation materials included on this page for more information.Step One: CCIE Storage Networking Written Exam
You must pass the two-hour, written qualification exam which covers storage networking concepts, features, design, applications, management and device operations before you are eligible to schedule the lab exam.
CCIE Storage Networking Written Exam #350-040
The written exam is a two-hour, multiple choice test with 90-110 questions covering topics such as storage device protocols, troubleshooting tools, storage networking design, applications, and advanced management.Beta Exams
Beta exams are scheduled as you would other written exams and are available at all worldwide testing locations. A passing grade on the beta qualifies a candidate to schedule the lab exam. Results, however, are typically not available until six to eight weeks after the close of the beta. A candidate may attempt the beta exam only once during the beta period.Expiration
Candidates must make an initial attempt of the CCIE lab exam within 18 months of passing the CCIE written exam. Valid passing scores on written exams expire after 18 months.Results
Written exam results are Pass/Fail and are available immediately following the exam. The passing score is set by statistical analysis and is subject to periodic change.Retakes
Candidates must wait five days between attempts at the written exam. Once a candidate has passed the exam, he or she may not take the same exam again (for recertification purposes) for at least 180 days.Step Two: CCIE Storage Networking Lab Exam
The eight-hour lab exam tests your ability to get the storage area network running in a timed test situation. You must pass the lab within three years of passing the written to achieve certification. Your first lab attempt must be made within 18 months.Configuring a network to given specifications
The CCIE lab exam is an eight-hour, hands-on exam which requires you to configure a series of storage area networks to given specifications. Knowledge of troubleshooting is an important skill and candidates are expected to diagnose and solve issues as part of the CCIE lab exam. Point values and testing criteria are provided.Update to the CCIE Lab Question Format and Scoring
Effective January 4, 2010, CCIE Storage Networking lab exams will begin with a brief Core Knowledge section consisting of four questions requiring a short typed response, generally no more than four or five words. Candidates have up to 30 minutes to complete the four questions and may move on to the rest of the exam if they finish early. No access to the Cisco documentation is provided during this part of the exam and candidates may not return to the Core Knowledge questions once they have moved on. Core Knowledge questions cover material from the list of exam topics and well-prepared candidates should be able to answer the questions without difficulty. All candidates must pass the Core Knowledge section in order to achieve CCIE certification.Lab Environment
The Cisco documentation CD is available in the lab room, but the exam assumes knowledge of the more common protocols and technologies. As of March 2006, the documentation can only be navigated using the index; the search function has been disabled. No outside reference materials are permitted in the lab room. You must report any suspected equipment issues to the proctor during the exam; adjustments cannot be made once the exam is over.Lab Exam Grading
Each question on the lab has specific criterion. The labs are graded by proctors who ensure all the criterion are met and points are awarded accordingly. The proctors use automatic tools to gather information from the routers to perform some preliminary evaluations, but the final determination of a correct or incorrect configuration is done by a trained proctor.Results
You can review your lab exam results online (login required), usually within 48 hours. Results are Pass/Fail and failing score reports indicate major topic areas where additional study and preparation may be useful.Reevaluation of Lab Results
You may request a reevaluation of results for Routing and Switching, Security and Service Provider labs for up to 14 days following your exam date. Use the link next to your lab record called "Request for Reread". Due to the equipment used, rereads are not available for the Voice and Storage Networking exams. Each reread costs US$250 plus any applicable local taxes. Payment is made online via credit card and your card will be charged upon receipt of the request. You may not cancel the reread request once the process has been initiated and refunds are only given when the results change from Fail to Pass.A reread consists of a second proctor loading your configurations onto a rack to recreate the test and rescore the entire exam. This process may take up to three weeks after receipt of payment. Only one reread per lab attempt is permitted. The result of the reread is an updated score report with success rates for each major section. Be aware that scores may decrease. Exams receive a Pass mark only when the total exam score exceeds 80%. Before requesting a reread, consider that, historically, only 0.3% of exams have been changed from Fail to Pass.